Rye Cereal
RYE CEREAL Here’s another deliciously warm breakfast dish to prepare as part of the Bible diet – we know you’re going to love our Rye Cereal recipe! Ingredients 1 cup rye flakes 3 cups boiling water Directions Put cereal, water, and salt in the top pan of...
Swiss Muesli
SWISS MUESLI Ingredients 11⁄2 cups toasted* rolled oats 1⁄2 cup walnuts, chopped 1⁄4 cup hazelnuts, chopped 1⁄4 cup raisins 1⁄4 cup dried apricots,figs or prunes, chopped 2 Tbs. sliced almonds fresh fruit: apples, pineapple, banana, pear, pomegranate, etc....
Garden Veggie Patties
GARDEN VEGGIE PATTIES Did someone say burgers? Out of all of our vegan recipes, this one is sure to satisfy that burger craving the most – let us know what you think! Ingredients 1⁄4 cup chopped onion 1⁄4 cup chopped onion 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 slices...
Cashew Brown Rice Loaf
CASHEW BROWN RICE LOAF Ingredients: 1 cup raw cashews, finely chopped 2 cups steamed brown rice 2 cups rich nut or soy milk, plain 2 large onions, chopped, sautéed 1 cup finely chopped celery 4 slices bread, crumbled 2 Tbs. Bragg Aminos® or soy sauce 4...
Italian Fennel Salad
ITALIAN FENNEL SALAD Simple delicious as an appetizer of main dish! Note: Nutritional Data is based on 4 cups mixed greens. Ingredients Green and red leaf lettuce frisée, leaves separated Radicchio leaves, torn in pieces 1 head fennel (finocchio), bite...
Sweet-and-Sour Coleslaw
SWEET-AND-SOUR COLESLAW Some people don’t consider coleslaw a salad (it’s often an afterthought on the side of a dish, right?), but coleslaw can be really satisfying and delicious – check out this recipe from our best vegetarian cookbook. Ingredients 4...
Creamy Potato Salad
CREAMY POTATO SALAD Ingredients 2 lbs. red skin potatoes, cooked with skins 1 cup diced celery 1⁄3 cup sliced green olives or dill pickles 1⁄3 cup sweet orange or red diced pepper 1⁄4 cup finely chopped onion 1 Tbs. onion powder 1⁄2 tsp. celery seed and...
Baked Eggplant Sandwich
BAKED EGGPLANT SANDWICH Select fully ripe eggplant to start. Wash, cut in 1⁄2″ rounds or lengthwise slices. Brush lightly with oil, coat with breading meal if desired, or place slices on nonstick baking sheet in a single layer. Bake or broil in 400° oven...
Pumpkin Soup
PUMPKIN SOUP The fall season means pumpkins, and lots of them! We love pumpkins because they are rich in Vitamin A, protein, and fiber. We like to take our pumpkins to the next level by making a rich and velvety soup that’s perfect for any chilly fall day....
Morning Eye-Opener
MORNING EYE-OPENER Ingredients Pineapple juice 1 cup grapefruit juice 1⁄2 cup orange juice 2 Tbs. lime juice Directions stir or shake the juices together until blended. Use freshly squeezed fruits whenever available. Italian Fennel Salad Toss salad greens...
Vegetable Pecan Nut Loaf
VEGETABLE PECAN NUT LOAF If you’ve never tried a nut loaf topped with warm gravy, you are really missing out! Try this recipes for any upcoming holiday party, or just when you want to make something warm and delicious for yourself or for your family....
Tortilla Fresh Veggie Wraps
TORTILLA FRESH VEGGIE WRAPS Sometimes you just want a really tasty sandwich to sink your teeth into. When cravings like those arise, there’s only one thing that will get rid of those cravings: a really good sandwich! You’re in luck too, the Christian diet...
Three-Fruit Frosty
THREE-FRUIT FROSTY Ingredients 2 cups of blueberries 2 cups of peaches 1⁄4 raspberry juice concentrate 1 cup vanilla soy milk 1 cup soy yogurt 1⁄2 tsp. coconut extract (pure) Directions Combine blueberries, peaches and soy-milk in a blender. Cover and...
Tropical Island Delite
TROPICAL ISLAND DELITE Ingredients 2 cups pineapple juice or Dole® Pineapple Mango juice 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries 1 cup mango fruit, diced 1⁄2 cup lite coconut milk or 2 Tbs. soy milk powder Directions Blend until smooth. If desired, add 1 tsp....
Millet-Date Pudding
MILLET – DATE PUDDING This recipe is not only part of the Bible diet, it’s also a really satisfying way to get that sweet tooth taken care of while also enjoying a dish that’s good for you. Eat this for dessert or in the morning as an alternative to cold...

Best Barley Soup
BEST BARLEY SOUP As the weather turns colder, there’s nothing like a hot and hearty meal to warm up those nights. Our vegetarian recipes are full of weeknight meals that you can easily prepare, and that the whole family will love – guaranteed. To kick off...
Some Soup Thickening Tips
SOME SOUP THICKENING TIPS How can you thicken soup that’s thin? We have a few good tricks up our sleeves for you! Use pieces of bread (sprouted whole grain bread, of course). Let the break soak up the soup, and then mash the soggy bread into the broth....
Fresh Fruit Kabobs
FRESH FRUIT KABOBS “An Apple a day, keeps the doctor away” Apples, the versatile “queen of fruits”, are rich in phytochemical and flavonoids (such as quercetin, a powerful antioxidant). Apples contain pectin (an insoluble fiber the helps eliminate toxins)...

PINA COLADA FRESCA PINEAPPLE (fresh, ripe) A rich source of bromeliad…an enzyme which aids digestion by ‘breaking down’ proteins. Pineapples contain vitamin C, B1, B6, folate, manginess, potassium, and fiber. A natural anti-inflammatory, good complement to...

GARDEN VEGGIE WRAPS Fresh veggies and greens provide a host of valuable nutrients, are simple to make, colorful, crunchy and delicious! You can enjoy a wide variety of fresh ingredients in a wholesome wrap or just as a salad. You can also include legumes...
How To Make A Great Smoothie
How to Make a Great Smoothie No matter the season, nothing can quench both thirst and hunger better than a nutrition-packed smoothie. It seems like smoothies should be easy to make too, though you know this isn't entirely true if you've ever...
Fluffy Fig Whip And The Benefits Of Fresh Figs
Fluffy Fig Whip And The Benefits Of Fresh Figs Summertime is the best time to purchase fresh figs. If you have a fruit market in your neighborhood that sells fresh figs, you’ll want to make this fig whip! This recipe is refreshing, healthy, and simply a...

Three Basic Gravies
THREE BASIC GRAVIES Is there anything better than gravy? You can use gravy to make an ordinary meal extraordinary, and gravy is the perfect accompaniment for any holiday dish. Our gravies are both delicious and nutritious – and they don’t include a bit of...

100% Whole Wheat Bread
100% WHOLE WHEAT BREAD Baking bread is not just about creating something delicious and wholesome for you and your family to eat. It’s also about unwinding, relaxing, and that satisfied feeling that comes with knowing you’re doing something that’s...
7 Ways Raw Food Is Better For Your Health
7 WAYS RAW FOOD IS BETTER FOR YOUR HEALTH Eating a raw food diet has a lot of different benefits, but you won’t really get a taste for more of these perks unless you give raw food a try. Should you decide to make the switch, here are some of the benefits...

The Benefits Of Sprouting Your Food
THE BENEFITS OF SPROUTING YOUR FOOD Sprouted grains are popping up everywhere lately. But, these grains are about more than just the latest nutrition trend. There are some very positive benefits to sprouted grains that make this option superior to other...

What Is Carob?
WHAT IS CAROB? As you look through our recipes, you’ll find that we use carob instead of chocolate or cocoa powder. Why do we do this and what is carob, exactly? Here are some of the reasons why carob is good for you – and a better understanding of what it...

Why You Should Eat Grains
WHY YOU SHOULD EAT GRAINS You could say that a lot of health experts believe that grains are harmful. You could also say that a lot of health experts believe that grains are beneficial and necessary. As with most things, there are two sides to the grain...

Does Eating Local Matter?

Why Exercise Is Important
WHY IS EXERCISE IMPORTANT Is exercise part of the Bible diet? What does the Bible say about exercise? These are both really good questions, and they are both essential to the Bible diet. First, let’s tackle the question about exercise as a whole – is...

it’s Pumpkin Time!
IT'S PUMPKIN TIME! The fall season means pumpkins, and lots of them! We love pumpkins because they are rich in Vitamin A, protein, and fiber. We like to take our pumpkins to the next level by making a rich and velvety soup that’s perfect for any chilly...

Weekly Menu Planning: How To Do It
WEEKLY MENU PLANNING: HOW TO DO IT If you are just starting out with the Bible diet, we strongly recommend learning how to plan weekly menus. There are a lot of advantages when it comes to the Bible diet and menu planning (we’ll get to those below!), but...

How To Store And Prepare Greens
HOW TO STORE AND PREPARE GREENS When it comes to really simple sugar free recipes, it’s hard to beat a simple salad. Not only are salads incredibly satisfying, but they are full of amazing nutrients that will help you feel better all around. Many people do...

Probiotics: What They Are And Why They’re Good For You
PROBIOTICS: WHAT THEY ARE AND WHY THEY'RE GOOD FOR YOU Chances are that you’ve seen more than a handful of products at your local grocery store featuring probiotics, and you may have been tempted to pick up some of those products because, well, it sounds...

Why Sugar Is Bad For You
WHY SUGAR IS BAD FOR YOU It’s really easy to get into a long and lengthy discussion about why sugar is bad for your body. There have been numerous reports about the negative impact that sugar can have, though some of these are highly controversial. For the...

The Problem With Caffeine
THE PROBLEM WITH CAFFEINE Caffeine is a drug. More specifically, caffeine is the most used and popular drug in the world according to the Drug Info website. Not only is caffeine a widely used drug, it’s also a stimulant that preys upon the central nervous...

Why Alcohol Is Bad For Your Body
WHY ALCOHOL IS BAD FOR YOUR BODY As you go through the posts on our blog or through our vegetarian cookbook, you’ll notice that we do not use any alcohol. Alcohol is not part of the Christian diet for a few very good reasons, but one of the most important...

The Possible Danger Of Eating Poultry
THE POSSIBLE DANGER OF EATING POULTRY A recent Reuters special report sheds light on why eating chicken might be dangerous to your health. The report details the use of antibiotics at popular poultry farms in the United States. As Reuters revealed, poultry...
How To Eat Mindfully
HOW TO EAT MINDFULLY According to the Weight Control Information Network, two out of three adults in the United States are considered obese. Obesity is a huge problem in the U.S., but food alone might not be to blame. Some researchers also believe that...