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Chances are that you’ve seen more than a handful of products at your local grocery store featuring probiotics, and you may have been tempted to pick up some of those products because, well, it sounds like something you should be eating. What are probiotics, and how can you eat them? Should you eat them? Let’s take a closer look at why probiotics are important, and how they are natural part of a raw food diet.


5613984108-4d435a3150-oSimply put, probiotics are healthy bacteria. Okay, so why would you want to eat healthy bacteria? Once probiotics reach the colon, they mix with the bad bacteria that already exist in the colon area. Adding good bacteria to the bad bacteria balances out, and this can result in some health benefits for you. In addition, there is strong scientific evidence to support the belief that living in a world free of bacteria can actually lead to various autoimmune diseases. It may seem like a good idea to stay away from all bacteria, but there is such a thing as an environment that’s “too clean.”


Here are some of the reasons why eating probiotics is important:

  • They can help with ulcerative colitis (large intestine ulcers)
  • They can lessen the loose stools that come with taking antibiotics
  • Probiotics combat the negative effects of taking antibiotics
  • When eaten, they can help with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • They break down certain acids that are part of regular diets
  • Create natural vitamins that your body needs
  • Introduce your body to good bacteria, which is part of remaining healthy

As you can see, there are a number of really good reasons to eat probiotics as part of a raw diet or as part of the Bible diet. In fact, some of the recipes in our vegetarian cookbook feature ways to eat probiotics that will help you gain that good and bad bacteria balance, which is essential for a healthy life. So, how can you eat probiotics as part of the Bible diet?


In our vegetarian cookbooks, you will find some recipes that include dairy items, but we don’t strongly suggest eating a diet full of dairy. Since probiotics are mostly found in dairy, is it even possible to eat these helpful bacteria when eating a raw diet? Not only is it possible, but you can find probiotics in the following foods:

  • Kombucha
  • Sauerkraut
  • Miso
  • Preserved lemons
  • Sour Pickles

For the most part, foods that have been preserved or fermented tend to include probiotics. If you do want to eat some dairy, you will find a few recipes in our vegetarian cookbooks that do include a minimal amount of dairy products. Is dairy part of the Bible diet? Dairy was certainly present during Biblical times, but it was eaten in moderation.

As the Bible clearly states, you should consume all things and do all things in moderation (except for those things that are against Biblical teachings). When it comes to food, the same basic rule applies. If you are going to consume dairy, do so on a limited basis, but know that you can eat probiotics by enjoying any of the foods listed above.

If you have questions about why probiotics are good, or why you should eat them, let us know below – or find us on Facebook to join in the conversation.

Bacteria CC Photo Courtesy of NIAID

Italian Fennel Salad

Toss salad greens together. Arrange greens on 2-4 individual plates. Cut fennel bulbs in half, then in quarters and eighths or smaller pieces


Create healthy and delicious Biblically-inspired plant-based meals from whole plant foods, without using animal products, refined sugars, or harmful additives.

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