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Special Fundraiser Discounts

  • Pathfinders
  • Students
  • LE’s
  • Schools
  • Churches

Order your fundraiser cookbooks today!
FREE SHIPPING Call: 877-442-4425

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The (new) BETTER CHOICES cookbook by Dr. Frank & Rosalie Hurd, authors of the award-winning TEN TALENTS cookbook / health manual, is now available at a whopping -60% discount to Pathfinders, LE’s, Students, Schools and Churches worldwide as a Fundraiser! This book features a wholesome vegetarian diet. Over 225 favorite recipes made from fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, seeds and nuts. Beautifully illustrated mouth-watering photos on every page, and packed with information, this book practically sells itself! The 8″ x 10 1/2″, 176-page book retails for $24.95. Earn $15.00 on each book you sell. Order some today! FREE SHIPPING (in U.S.).

BETTER CHOICES Cookbook – 60% discount (list price $24.95)

Case of 30, $299.40 ($9.98 each)

1/2 Case (15), $149.70 (9.98 each)

3 copies ($15.95 each)

Single Copy (19.95 each)

FREE SHIPPING on all U.S. orders!
Order Today! Call 877-442-4425

“The Ten Talents Cookbook published over 45 years ago, was a pioneering work in providing recipes for simple, practical, healthful cooking…I am happy to recommend with confidence this updated pictorial edition…”
Neal Nedley, M.D., author of Proof Positive, The Lost Art of Thinking, Depression Recovery Programs


Create healthy and delicious Biblically-inspired plant-based meals from whole plant foods, without using animal products, refined sugars, or harmful additives.

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